Wednesday, September 14, 2016

KVKS MTB Jamboree 21 Feb 2016

Date   :  21st February2016
Venue:  Vocasional College Kuala Selangor (KVKS), Selangor

This was my first MTB event for 2016. This was the first time we had a huge turn out of MTB riders.  I think we were one of the largest group of participants made up of uGO-iGO and MuddyGo riders.

This was also a TEAM event which consisted of 3 cyclists per team. The team had to cycle together. We had to work as a team as all 3 cyclists had to cross the finish line together. So each team member had to depend on each other and to encourage each other to cross the finish line together else the rest of the team will have to wait for the last rider to arrive before they can check in as completed.

Our team members:
(l-r)  KC, MH(team leader) and me

team pic for the road

We had a practice ride at MARDI a few weeks before the event date.

The Event distance covered was about 36 km. We basically traversed oil palm plantations and plantation roads

I did not have any opportunity to take many photos. My handphone’s battery was on the blink and I did not bring my powerbank.  In short I did not record my ride nor did I take scenic photographs.

The highlight of the ride was that we had a really huge group of riders and the event was held on the second last day of Chinese New Year celebrations. This year CNY fell on the 8th of February 2016.

uGo-iGo and Muddy-GO riders in FULL FORCE. Group pic at end of ride

From memory I think there were 3 check points for water and bananas. Yes they had bananas!

The following are the few pics from the ride in chronological order.

uGo-iGo group pic queueing at the starting line

and we are off .. starting post can be seen in the background

at first check pic -still looking fresh

group pic at first check point

at the finish line.. our team members cycling in single file:- KC.... 

....followed by team capt:- MH,
...last but not least..yours truly.  All 3 of us checking in as a TEAM 

Team picture : with our finisher medal
uGO-iGO & MuddyGO riders - Chilling out after collecting their
finisher medals - still looking fresh!

uGo-iGO riders group pic- in sombre mode
uGo-iGO riders group pic -in "shiok" mode

the route traversed

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